The Maritime Heritage Visitors Centre (MHVC)
was a maritime gallery based on the collection
of Meir Ben Ze`ev. This gallery operated in Cyprus.
The collection showed the owner`s passion for
maritime art and history. On display were builders
models, sailor models, miniature models, half models,
card models and dioramas. The models reflected
maritime history spanning 7000 years. Marine art was
presented by oil paintings, etchings, drawings, fotos,
posters and prints. On show were maritime decorative
objects such as sign boards, knot boards and ships in
bottles. The exhibits were grouped under these
categories: The age of sail, Merchant shipping,
Pleasure boating, Sea travel & cruising, Fishing,
Marine painting, War at sea. The centre incorporated
a reference and research library of over thousand volumes.
Models and artifacts as well as navigation instruments
were displayed on antique furniture and visitors commented
that the place had a cosy feel of an art loving captain`s house.
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Levant schooner

Scratch built waterline halfmodel on a mirror in 1:8 scale.
Total length around -- 4.5 meters.
Materials -- woods.

Buit by Alexander Blokhin.

The Levant Schooner was the back bone of sea
commerce in the Eastern Mediterranean during the
19th and the first half of the 20th century. This carvel
planked "leg of a mutton" sails schooner was built in Syria,
Lebanon, Palestine & Egypt. During the last decades
of its presence many of the type had auxiliary engines
added for more freedom of operation. Minimal crews and
excellent seaworthiness won them love by their operators.
Normally passed from father to son and so on. Two masts,
slightly raked, the foremast pushed much forward. Very
sleek, well proportioned boats which gave a yacht
like appearance. Their demise is a real sad loss to all
local craft enthusiasts.

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